Tuesday, June 9, 2009



Hello what a very interesting morning i must say , the lord totally though me off on this very day of transfers i must say i am leaving my area , i was Orly here for one transfer , i leaving my position and going back down to district leader , in the area of Azenenaga , in rosario osete.. my new companion is Elder Rivera.. a latin but I have no idea where from…

I must say I did not get any letter from you this week family ,but its fine no worries the week went really well we gave some people some fechas to be baptized in the area , I m just kinda sad that I am not going to see theses people get into the water, they are really good people I must say..a really good family.. o well the lord wants me some where else in this mission , I am just going to serve him with everything that I got I must say. So sometimes the Lord just has different things for us planned out in our lives. I must say it s a crazy thing…

So mom I must say that everything went really good I must say . the mission is good I am a lil shocked with the whole new change , it totally through me off guard I must say . but I am still enjoying it , the lord has other people for me to teach and find hear in his areas . I must say that the Gospel never changes but the people we teach it to does. I must say that I know the Lord has something good for me planed in the area of Azcuénaga .

I must say that the mission has totally thrown me off but I must say that's the way it is the lord has his own will and its that one that counts I must say. Not the will of men. There is a huge part of me that does not believe this lol . I kinda shocked …

O well just got to do what the lord ask us to do. I must say though this past transfer was a great one the lord made me feel like I never have before in my life , I must say that he knew what he was doing that whole time I must say.. he helped me grow a lot in this short time of 6 weeks here in arroyito , the lord know s his stuff , in his great work.
I must say that I never doubt his calling for me I this will of his work . I must say that it is what he wants us to do and only he knows this purpose…..

(…diciendo : padre ,si quieres ,pas de mi esta copa ; pero no se haga mi voluntad, sino la tuya …..Lucas 22: 42..)

We al know that it is the will of the father that counts i must say as this story goes on we all know it and how it ends, let us use this as a example to keep doing the will of the father in are daily lives each and everyday. I must say even if its not what we wt to do I must say. The lord always knows whats best for us in are own lifes..

Family I love you tons I always will I must say.. there is also another change in the mission , that next week p day is changing to the day of Wednesday, from this coming week and fro the rest of my mission… transfers were the reson why ia m writing a lil bit latter then normal. I must say sorry that I did not tell you all last week…

I love you all tell next week , Wednesday, lil long but its fie we will make it , so mom last question were you going to put money in a western Union…. Or not….just let me know love you all if there is ever anything you all need just let me know , ui am always willing to help..

The Youngest of the bunch..
Elder Clayton Reed Jessup