Monday, February 11, 2008

Four Month Mark

beloved family how are you all doing? this week was a good week out in the field , a lot of work but thats are jobs as missionaries lol. But mycompanion and i did find a new person named alejandro, who had the missionaries teach him, but the gave up on him , and now he really seems to be ready for this gospel right now, so i am really looking forward to work with him and his family. Thanks mom for putting in the money in my account . As far as me getting the box it would be no, but tomorrow my comp and i are traveling to Parana for zone conference, so if anything ill get it tom. so i will let you know in the next coming week if i have got it. So also all this week it has been a huge music festival here, so a lot of out of towner came to federal, the music is called chamame, which is lie folk music, its not to bad its kinda like their country for the campo, also the weather down here has been lots and lots of water rain every where, i have already be poured on twice this one As far as the printing of photos i could but they will come out in black and white, so just send them to me i could as far as i i am doing pretty good i am feasting upon the scriptures so much i am trying to read all the standard works , and also the mission library, but am i learning so much i truly love everything that i am learning. my mind has left the world behind and focused on the mission i truly do love this great and holy work.. i know for a fact that the lord is working with me , for i have discovered more love and peace in our life , through the mercy of the lord, it is truly amazing, i have felt this great joy fill my soul, through prayer and fasting its amazing of what one soul may feel . for i do believe with all my heart that this is where i am to be in my life..... also yesterday was the 4 month mark lol. time flys... its crazy where the time goes... also mom your advice about being positive could not have come at a better time. for i have set a personal goal for myself this week to see more joy in this great work, thanks mom u know how to hit the heart of your son.... thank you..also thank you family for the great examples you all are of great latter day saints, you have thought me all in so many ways the list is to long to type... but my family everything is fine with me for am in the hands of the lord and i can feel it day by day , and see it as well, and i am sure you all can fell it as well.... thank you all for being great examples to me of great later day saints, and thank you for being my family....i love you all to the depths of my soul and heart... P.S. mom could you please send me the coat soon ,cuz my comp told me the winters get really cold here. also some more socks maybe a lil thicker ones.... please some proactive cuz my face is breaking out, and that stuff is really pricy here, and last is that i bought a cd player cuz we can listen to music here, so like church music, and EFY music we can listen to and maybe like conference talks to..... but other then that thats all, or just instrumental music works tooThank you all so much , i love you all


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