Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Six Month Mark


How are you all its been a week already the time flys by so fast I must say I already hit the 6 month mark, I feel old in the mission now I must say. But it is time for the transfers and my comp is leaving me I was hopeing we would stay together another transfer, but he was bound to go he already had 6 ½  months in this area so it was a lot of time. And my new comp is Elder Tatum He is from Vegas is all I really know and this is his last trasnfer as a missionary so I am his last comp…. how crazy… But elder Erazo is going to Rafaela its still in Santa Fe . so I will still be able to see him at zone conference.. 

 But this week was really good even though it few by, as far as are recent baptisms they all got confered a member of the Chruch of Jesus Christ of the latter Day Saints this past Sunday so that went really well. They all want to keep learning about the chruch so its really exciting to see there drive to learn more.  As far as the weather here its starting to cool down to about 60-68 degrees which is about 20 – 26 degrees in celciuos . Also we are starting to put on the suit coats as we go out and work during the day.   In reality its fine with me I always tened to like the cold more then heat, but I hearderd it gets really cold down here. My spritual leave is really high in the work , I feel good in what I am dong may spanish is coming along pretty good I believe , I truly do love this great and holy work it’s a true blessing to be in the most holy work of all the works , and in such a time as now with everything going on in the world today, I truly do believe the Lord waited with me for this time in which he needs me in his work as I need him in the work. I guess you can say we both need each other in this work, in other words we got each others backs lol… It does truly fel great that I don’t have to worry about any thing in life, but the gospel of Jesus Christ. What a great honor I have to preach this great and wonderful gospel that I always have takin for granted in the past, but then I think comes a point in every buddys life when they realize how great the gospel is …  

But Mom and dad I have a quick question for you all.What was the temple of which you all got married? I want to say St. Geroge but I am not sure…. And the secound question is what was the date of which you all got married? Cuz I need to know for some thing lol love you all . Also mom I kinda runing low on some money, so please send what you want but any thing will truly help me out…. Please.. 

As far as I have been I love the mission life and I look forward everyday with a new smile in a postive atitude to help some one in need of this gospel. For after all it is what I have been called to do for this time in my life y not do it in the right atitude towards it. Thanks mom for help me be so up beat in the past it is reaally helping me out right now in this work. I look forward to this next transfer the lord wants me with this new elder for a reason , and I have heard a lot of good things about him from all the elders… My family thank you for always being there for me day by day through thick and thin , I truly do love in ways I cant write for all the acts of greatness which each one of you all have done in my life, I will always be in dedt to you all as my family ..  I am always here for you all don’t ever forget I will start putting the ranch in my prayers that it maybe blessed with the the water from the heavens and that the animals my be that of good health.  M y family if there is anything else of which you all may need of me let me know I am here to help all … who better not to help then my family of my same blood.. I love you all  with all my heart always remember so.. 
And always remember no matter were we are in the world of which god created for us we are of the same family and of the same religion and he our God is always with us and we can talk to or lord through the power of prayer he is ALWAYS LISTING to us in our lifes, let us talk to him. Don’t let a day go by with out saying your prayers for it is through this simple thing that we all received our answer over the book of mormon and of this gospel let us not forget the feeling of which we had that very day, the one that pireced are very heart mind and soul, with the love that our lord has for each one of us as his children…My family I Know that this the gospel of our Lord Our God the same God as Jacob, Nephi, Alma , and as President Hinckley all prophets of the Lord , I know that Jesus is the Christ, and that he lives and that he loves us and wants the best for us…in the name of the sacred name Of Jesus Christ Amen

Serving the Lord our God,

Elder Jessup
Your son , and younger brother

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