Monday, August 25, 2008

It's Only After a Trial of Faith We Receive Our Testimony


Its good to hear from you I must say. This week we had a pretty good week . We truly have found some golden people in the Lords land. We have come across 3 new people there names are Ariel , who is 20 years old and his brother Angel 22 years old. Then we CAME across a reference of a member named Angelica, who is about 40 years old. They all went to church yesterday and they all liked it. They all have a date for baptism on the 13 of September, so we are really excited for that here in this area, and in this time.. I have to say I have truly seen the Lords hand in my life each and everyday as we go out and work in this holy work of His. I know that the Lord is here to bless us as we are more and more obedient to his commandments. Like you said mom that they are here to Protect us and guide us in our lives. I am really sorry to hear about the horse that passed away, it s really a sad thing to hear. But I know dad that you are going to take care of the baby horse, and that this is a trail of faith, like Ether 12: 6 says that its only after a trial of faith we'll receive our testimony.

So I must say that we are pretty excited for the investigators that we have here in Galvez. The work is going good we keep finding more and more people each day. Its really good to hear that there was a baptism in the ward, and especially that the friend baptised him. That's a missionaries dream come true . to see a member do the baptism . For our new mission president has put a lot of focus on how we need to start working more with the members. And we have started and it seems to be truly working I must say. So there is some more news of how the mission is going for me.

Its really good to hear that Austin got his mission call for Spanish speaking, tell him he is going to love this time in his life, that it truly does change one's life in many, many ways. Its a great two years and that it goes by really fast. So to work hard and enjoy the mission. Tell him he is just a year behind me cuz I went in the 10 of October.

Thanks mom for the Money , I really needed it . thanks thanks lol . I am also going to be sending some more photos to day as well.. so thanks again. Well I hope everything is going well for you all . I truly thank you as my family for everything of which you have done for me in my life and in this time of the mission. . I love you all so dearly, I pray for each one of you as the weeks turn into months then the months into years. I love you all. And I ask again if there is anything of which you all need please just ask of me and I will be more than willing do what I can for you all…

So I love you all family and don't worry about me I am in the Lords hands , and keep strong , keep the faith of which we have let us grow it that even more…tell next P dAY

Serving the Lord.
Elder Jessup

Monument of the flag

Being Silly

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